
Here are a few links to sites I find cool:

Local Art / Artists / Groups

Rumble House
Open to all. They get together every Wed. at 7:00pm to do live art for 2 hrs and then hold an auction at 9:00. Bring your own supplies.
Colouring It Forward
This is Diana Frost’s project about reconciiliation.

More Art Sales

First Nations Art Directory
Canadian First Nations Art Directory of Artists, Events, Links and News on Facebook

Art and Colour

colour theory on Wikipedia. Great explanation of colours for both the RYB and CMY colour models
Scott Naismith.
He also has some great instructional videos on YouTube

Websites Developed by Me
home recording studio, original music showcase, music resources
rental equipment management. under development, coming soon


Guitar Junky


Anybody But Conservative
The name of the group says it all.