Ian Kroll


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This is a bio for Ian Kroll. I started painting when I began volunteering for the art program at the The Calgary Drop-In & Rehab Centre back in October of 2010. I was there until October of 2017. During those seven years, art and painting and volunteering became an important part of my life. Being an “art volunteer” is now a big part of my identity. For me, the art and the volunteering are inseparable.

I deal with a bad case of multiple sclerosis which severely affects my walking, vision, and steadiness-of-hand. I don’t let it get me down. My paintings usually have an abstract, cartoon-ish quality to them which reflects some of how I see the world.

My full biography as an art volunteer follows.


I started painting in October 2010 when I started volunteering for the art program at The Calgary Drop-In & Rehab Centre. Other than taking art class in high school, I have no training. I know, it shows.

<!–I know, it shows ?


Until October 2017, Sep. 27 to be precise, I did almost all of my painting while volunteering at The Calgary Drop-In & Rehab Centre. As such, I’ve decided to donate a portion of the proceeds for each of those paintings back to the “DI” as they call it.

I volunteered every single Sunday afternoon for seven years, so there will be a lot of watercolour paintings posted once I finish scanning them all.

After the DI cancelled their art program in October 2017, I knew I would have to find a way to do similar work


My first day volunteering at The Alex Community Health Centre was on Oct. 25, 2017. I managed to find another place at which to volunteer less than a month the DI shut down its art program. As with the paintings I created at the DI, any paintings I create at The Alex will get a portion donated to The Alex.


In March of 2018, I started putting on some acrylic pour and finger-painting sessions at Mohkinstsis at the tipi camp located across the street from the courthouse downtown.

In April 2018, I started volunteering at The Calgary Public Library. My friends and I put on free painting events there every two weeks from April 2018 to September 18, 2018.

In the fall of 2018, Sam Bighetty and I began a collaboration. As 2018 draws to an end, we are still actively creating new pieces.


Sam and I contrinue to collaborate.

Sam & Ian both attended the Pokaiks The Children event.


I will be attending the Perspectives 2020 art show at The Alex. I will have a piece for sale there.

Sam & Ian began their Reconciliation NOW project with model Susan and phographer Joey.

My disability from the MS has become quite severe. I’m not in a wheelchair yet, but I fear it's coming soon. For now, I still walk my dog every day using my walker. Because I have to support almost my entire weight on my arms for the duration of the walk, my upper body has become quite muscular. My upper body hasn't looked like this since my early 20's. I suppose that's one advantage to having to use a walker!

The Future

Although my prognosis is not very good, I will continue to paint both on my own and with with Sam for as long as I’m able.

I don't try to kid myself about ever making a living as an artist. I do some work as a website developer. I’m sometimes interested in new projects, so if you need a website developer or website/email hosting, please get in touch.

My Paintings

2018-12-27: I have quite a few paintings to post. It will take me some time to scan and enter them all. I will get the remaining paintings scanned soon. Here are the ones I’ve done so far:

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Showing 1–12 of 85 results